All Clinical Trial Regulation articles

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  • Older-People-HERO

    Inclusion of older people in drug development and clinical trials: Part 1


    As the global population ages, older people will increasingly become the main users of medication. Much work has already been done by regulatory authorities to review legislation, leading to the 2013 publication of the EMA’s Geriatric Medicines Strategy. It reported, however, that many clinical trials still did not include a representative number of older people – aged 65 and over – despite the drugs in development were most likely to be used by this cohort. This two-article series will analyse if the publication of ICH E7 Q&A influenced the number of older people included in clinical trials. Furthermore, a qualitative questionnaire assessed the extent to which clinical trials are designed to adequately represent older people. In part one, I will focus on the legislative framework governing drug development for older patients, and the sub-classifications of age groups.

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    CPD Supplement

    CTIS national pilot – Belgium


    Although the CTIS is still under development, several EU countries (eg, Belgium, France, Germany, Finland and the UK prior to Brexit) are running national pilots to test the new way of working introduced by the Clinical Trial Regulation 536/2014. Pilot conditions in the various countries are different. The Heads of ...

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    CPD Supplement

    The EU Clinical Trial Regulation (EU) No 536/2014-The Clinical Trials Information System


    This continuing professional development article addresses changes introduced by Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 (the Clinical Trial Regulation/CTR) and focuses on the revised submission process for clinical trial applications in the EU/EEA via the new EU portal

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    EU PIP breast implant withdrawal


    The Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP) silicone breast implant failures had a socioeconomic impact at an international level, affecting nearly 400,000 patients in 55 different countries,[1] and resulted in major EU regulatory updates. PIP was a French company founded in 1991 and it produced approximately two million sets of silicone breast ...

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    Fundamentals of the European devices regulatory framework


    In the EU, the development of medical devices is supported by the European Commission Directive (93/42/EEC Medical Devices Directive). To this, the EU has a unique system in dealing with medical devices, iconised as the CE Marking, which provides the right for the products to be commercialised in the EU. This continuing professional development supplement presents the unique system of medical devices that is currently applied in the EU. Additionally, the new regulation of medical devices (EU 2017/745 Medical Device Regulation) is also covered.