All CTIS articles

  • clinical trial

    Clinical Trial Information System: overview, opportunities and challenges


    The implementation of the Clinical Trial Information System (CTIS), from 31 January 2022, will facilitate the day-to-day business of sponsors of clinical trials by harmonising submission and maintenance of trial applications, assessment and supervision of trials, while promoting patient safety and transparency…

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    CPD Supplement

    CTIS national pilot – Belgium


    Although the CTIS is still under development, several EU countries (eg, Belgium, France, Germany, Finland and the UK prior to Brexit) are running national pilots to test the new way of working introduced by the Clinical Trial Regulation 536/2014. Pilot conditions in the various countries are different. The Heads of ...

  • AdobeStock_138960559
    CPD Supplement

    The EU Clinical Trial Regulation (EU) No 536/2014-The Clinical Trials Information System


    This continuing professional development article addresses changes introduced by Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 (the Clinical Trial Regulation/CTR) and focuses on the revised submission process for clinical trial applications in the EU/EEA via the new EU portal